Thursday, September 6, 2012

Intelligent Utility Scheduling with DB2 Automation Tool for z/OS

I have a few questions for you:
  • In your shop, are DB2 for z/OS database maintenance utilities such as RUNSTATS, COPY, and REORG executed on a periodic basis (e.g., once per week per table space) regardless of whether or not they actually need to be run for a given object?
  • Is it sometimes the case that DB2 utilities are NOT executed in your environment when they should be?
  • Do you spend more time than you'd like setting up and submitting DB2 utility jobs?
  • Are there higher-value activities to which you could attend if you weren't spending a lot of time looking after DB2 utility execution requirements?

If your answer to any of these questions would be, "yes," you ought to take a look at what the IBM DB2 Automation Tool for z/OS could do for you and your organization.

Here's the deal: mainframe DB2 DBAs are being asked to look after ever-larger databases (more and more objects, not just more data) and to keep these DB2 for z/OS systems in fighting trim with regard to CPU efficiency and in the expected lead spot when it comes to data availability. If these requirements are to be effectively addressed, certain DB2 utilities have to be run on a regular basis. Knowing this, DB2 for z/OS DBAs at plenty of sites have adopted a strategy of submitting RUNSTATS, COPY, and REORG jobs for table spaces based on what I'd call a calendar criterion. In other words, RUNSTATS, for example, might be executed once per month per table space. COPY might be executed once per week per table space for full backups, and once daily per table space for incremental backups between execution of full-backup jobs.

That mode of operation has the benefits of being simple and (generally) keeping things from "falling through the cracks," but it comes with some costs that your organization would probably like to avoid. Quite often, these costs hit you from the left and from the right -- that is, they are associated both with "not enough" and "too much" with respect to utility execution frequency:
  • On the "not enough" side, consider a once-per-month-per-table space approach to running the REORG utility. That might be OK for most of your table spaces, but you might have some tables with high insert activity (and not so much delete activity), and associated indexes on keys that are not continuously ascending (necessitating inserts of entries into the "middle" of these indexes). These indexes can become quite disorganized quite quickly, and that's not good for the performance of queries for which DB2 uses index scan access. Maybe once per month is not a sufficient REORG frequency for these table spaces (or separately for these indexes).
  • On the "too much" side, a common misstep is to execute RUNSTATS too frequently (an extreme case I've seen in the real world involved DAILY execution of RUNSTATS for a number of table spaces). Accurate catalog statistics are important for good query performance, but in many cases the data in a table space does not change significantly in a near-term time frame from a statistics perspective: row count is pretty stable, column cardinalities change little, high and low key values do not vary much, etc. In such cases, excessive execution of RUNSTATS burns CPU cycles without delivering performance benefits.
  • "Too much" also became more of an issue for REORG at some sites with the change introduced with DB2 9 for z/OS: when an online REORG of a subset of a partitioned table space's partitions is executed, any non-partitioned indexes (NPIs) defined on the underlying table will be reorganized in their entirety. That was a very good change from an availability perspective (it eliminated the so-called "BUILD2" phase of online REORG, which effectively blocked data access for a time), but it increased the system resource consumption (CPU cycles and disk space) associated with these REORG jobs. That, in turn, provided a new incentive for avoiding unnecessary REORGs.

Those are just a few examples, but you get the picture. The thing is, shifting to a purpose-driven utility execution strategy ("I need to run COPY for this table space because of recent update activity") versus a strictly calendar-based approach ("I'll execute COPY for this table space -- whether or not it's been updated -- because I haven't done that in X days") can take a lot of time if you go it alone -- and who has lots of time on his or her hands these days? The solution here is to not go it alone. Let DB2 Automation Tool assist you in getting to needs-based DB2 utility execution. With Automation Tool's easy-to-use ISPF interface, you can quickly define:
  • Object profiles -- sets of database objects (table spaces and/or indexes) for which you want to create utility execution action plans.
  • Utility profiles -- these designate the utilities you want to be executed, and how you want them to execute (referring to utility options).
  • Exception profiles -- the "smart" in smart utility execution. With DB2 Automation Tool, you have 180 different exceptions which you can use individually or in combination to determine when conditions warrant the execution of a utility for a database object. What's more, you can add greater sophistication to your smart utility execution criteria through formulas that you can implement with DB2 Automation Tool user exits and REXX EXECs
  • Job profiles -- where intention turns into action. Exception jobs can be automatically executed at regular intervals to evaluate objects, and utility jobs needed to address identified exceptions can be automatically submitted for execution.

Put it all together, and you get a DB2 utility execution mechanism that saves you time and saves your organization CPU and disk resources -- not only by avoiding unnecessary utility execution, but also through more effective maintenance of database objects and catalog statistics to help ensure consistently good DB2 application performance. Plus, with your own freed-up bandwidth you can more fully engage in things like application enablement and other activities that really deliver value to your company.

Something else to keep in mind: this is an IBM DB2 tool we're talking about, so of course it supports -- and exploits -- the latest version of DB2 for z/OS (that's of course DB2 10). Some examples of DB2 feature exploitation by DB2 Automation Tool are:
  • The DB2 administrative task scheduler. DB2 Automation tool makes it easier to utilize this DB2 capability and helps you to reduce associated time to value; furthermore, the DB2 administrative task scheduler offers an operationally flexible means of submitting utility jobs generated via DB2 Automation Tool.
  • DB2 10 autonomic statistics. DB2 Automation Tool provides an interface to the DB2 10 autonomic statistics stored procedures, which can be used to determine when statistics need to be collected for database objects, and to automate RUNSTATs execution. DB2 Automation Tool also provides an interface to manage maintenance windows for executing the RUNSTATS utility.
  • The new (with DB2 10) REORGCLUSTERSENS and REORGSCANACCESS columns of the SYSTABLESPACESTATS real-time statistics table in the DB2 catalog. These are among the exception criteria that can be used with DB2 Automation Tool to help determine when REORG should be executed for a table space.

Obviously, a high degree of integration with the DB2 "engine" is there. So, too, is integration with other IBM DB2 for z/OS tools. Want to generate an image copy of an object using a system-level DB2 backup generated with DB2 Recovery Expert for z/OS? Easily done with DB2 Automation Tool.

You have better things to do than deal with the scheduling of DB2 utilities, and your organization should get the benefits that come with need-based utility execution. Do yourself and your company a favor, and check out the IBM DB2 Automation Tool for z/OS. Smart utility execution is within your reach.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and one more thing: the IBM DB2 Utilities Solution Pack for z/OS provides a nice set of tools, including DB2 Automation Tool (and DB2 High Performance Unload and DB2 Sort and DB2 Utilities Enhancement Tool) at an attractive price. You can get more information about the DB2 Utilities Solution Pack at
